̰ б (ġܱа) 2016 Ÿֿ ִ ̱ Ͽ(NARA ) 1929~1930 л ڷḦ ã й(Confidential File: Vol 298. 840.1) Ȯߴ.
й 츮 Ȳ оߺ ִµ, ȸо߿ л ٷ ִ. (Social Matters: student demonstrations of a communist and independence nature, by way of protest against the detention of Korean students at Koshu(Kwangju).
й (See Confidential File) ־, ش ϰ ִ.
̿ NARA ش ڷ û, ڷ зǾ ִ . ٰ .
ڷ ̱(ѿ Ransford S. Miller. ) ۼ ߴٴ м ġӸ ƴ϶ л ϴµ ū δ.
̷ , ̱ л ڵ ֵ ð, ̸ ڷ зߴ . 92 й ž Ѵ. ߴ.
̿ ڼ 11 3 7 ȸ뿡 л 92ֳ мȸǡ ٷ.
̱ 縦 Ÿӽ Ʈ л ڷḦ ߱ϴ л ִ.
ȭ۷ι 3710612@naver.com